Enviro-Shield 40% is an alcohol based, VOC compliant, high performance, clear, penetrating water repellent sealer.
It is designed to provide long term protection for brick, blocks, Jersey barriers, vertical or horizontal concrete and natural stones and other porous surfaces.
Enviro-Shield 40% repels water on masonry surfaces for up to 10 years and can be sprayed with a low pressure sprayer, allowing it to thoroughly soak the surface up 1/2″ deep. Over spray can be washed off with soap and water. Sprayers and tools can be washed with soap and water.
Enviro-Shield 40% is available in formulas of 20% solids and 40% solids. Enviro-shield is an excellent cold weather water repellent since it will not freeze.
Enviro-Shield 40% passes the NHCRP244 series test,full data on record.