Florok Acousti-coat is a heavy bodied rubber based coating, in which is suspended millions of “punkey” sand like particles.
It’s pleasing heavy texture, provides a rough matty coating capable of absorbing sound. It cushions and diffuses harsh noise and “bounce back” similar to conventional acoustical tile.
Acousti-coat was originally desgined for concrete ceiling which is often rough, pourus and contoured. It will seal and hide fine cracks, voids, blemishes and discolorations.
Acousti-coat may be sprayed on almost every type of ceiling surface, such as;
- Prestressed concrete plank or builing members.
- Plaster or sheet rock
- Wood or accoustical tile
- Metal Ceiling Decks
Acousti-coat has been used on many fine churches, restaurants, office buildings, gynasiums, class rooms, apartments, motels, swimming pool ceilings, etc.