Epoxy Topping Floor Surfacing and Patching
This unit contains: Epoxt resin, epoxy acitvator, aggregate, epoxy solvent and trowel aid.
Surfaces to which Epoxy Topping is to be applied must be structurally sound sound clean and dry.
Epoxy Systems
Epoxy Topping Unit Trowel On floor surfaces
Injection Grout Liquid grout to repair cracks
Epoxy Coat CL20 Clear floor sealer
Epoxy Coat Colored paint for floors and walls
Epoxy Seal 100% solids, high build up floors and walls
Adhesive 100 General purpose adhesives
Waterproofer Heavy bodied brush on paint
Thio-Poxy Flexible polysulfide/epoxy adhesive
Hydropoxy Water based epoxy-waterproof