Metallic Grouting Compound
Florok metalic grouting compound consists of finely graded mixtures of ferrous powders and aggregates, cementitious binders,
accelerators, dipersing agents and plasticizers. Gauranteed to be free from non-oxidizing metals, foreign marrer, oils, etc.
Please contact us via phone, fax or email if your require further product data. Our customer service staff is ready to assist you.
Metallic Grouting Compound Metallic non-shrink cement
Non-Metallic Grouting Compound Non-staining, non-shrinking, D.O.T. grade
Non-Metallic Grout Hi Fluid Non-Staining, non-shrinking, pourable
Quick Set Cement Anchoring, railing and pipes
Plasticized Cement Hot melt pile splicing cement